Hoya Dischidia Small Leaf


Hoya dischidia, commonly known as the Million Hearts plant, is a species of epiphytic vine in the Asclepiadaceae family. It is native to Southeast Asia and is often grown as a houseplant or in terrariums due to its charming appearance and ease of care.

The “Small Leaf” variety of Hoya dischidia is known for its diminutive, succulent-like leaves that grow densely along trailing stems. The leaves are typically small, rounded, and fleshy, with a glossy texture and a deep green color.

Hoya dischidia plants produce clusters of tiny, white flowers that resemble miniature parachutes, adding to their ornamental appeal. These flowers are often sweetly scented and can appear throughout the year under the right conditions.

This plant prefers bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. It thrives in warm, humid conditions and benefits from regular watering, allowing the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings.

With its compact size and charming foliage, Hoya dischidia ‘Small Leaf’ is a popular choice for hanging baskets, terrariums, and small indoor gardens. Its trailing growth habit and unique appearance add beauty and interest to any indoor space.

Height – 5 Inch.

Plastic Pot / Plastic Polybag Size = 4X5

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